An International Journal

ISSN: 2582-0818

Home 9 acm: Vol.5, No.1, 2022

Volume 5, Number 1 (2022)-Table of Contents

Open AccessArticle

Some separation axioms in soft ideal topological spaces

Annals of Communications in Mathematics 2022

, 5 (1)

, 1-17


AbstractFor dealing with uncertainties researchers introduced the concept of soft sets. In this paper, a new class of soft sets called soft delta pre ideal open sets in soft ideal topological space related to the notion of soft pre ideal regular pre ideal open sets is introduced. Also, some new soft separation axioms based on the soft delta pre ideal open sets are investigated.
Open AccessArticle

Some types of interior filters in quasi-ordered Gamma -semigroup

Annals of Communications in Mathematics 2022

, 5 (1)

, 18-31


AbstractIn this article, the concepts of interior, weak-interior and quasi-interior filters in a quasi-ordered Γ-semigroup are introduced and recognize some of their fundamental properties. In addition to the above, the relationships between these three classes of filters in quasi-ordered Γ-semigroups are considered. One of the specifics in this analysis, among others, is that the requirement that a filter in a quasi-ordered Γ-semigroup S has to be a sub-semigroup in S is omitted. Instead of this requirement in the determination of these three classes of filters the consistency requirement is incorporated
Open AccessArticle

Fuzzy Minimal and Maximal e-Open Sets

Annals of Communications in Mathematics 2022

, 5 (1)

, 32-37


AbstractThe aim of this article is to introduce fuzzy minimal e-open and fuzzy maximal e-open sets in fuzzy topological space. Further, we investigate some properties with these new sets.
Open AccessArticle

Existence Results for Fuzzy Differential Equations with ψ-Hilfer Fractional

Annals of Communications in Mathematics 2022

, 5 (1)

, 38-54


AbstractThis manuscript concerns the fuzzy differential equation involving ψ-Hilfer type fractional derivative with nonlocal condition. By using successive approximation, we obtain the existence, uniqueness results of solution for ψ-Hilfer fuzzy differential equation. Further, nonlocal conditions are extended to the existence results. Furthermore, an application is shown to demonstrate the theoretical conclusions utility.
Open AccessArticle

On S-closed sets and semi S-closed in nano topological spaces

Annals of Communications in Mathematics 2022

, 5 (1)

, 55-62


AbstractIn this article focuss on nano Ⓢ-closed sets and nano Ⓢs-closed sets are introduce and study. Also, we introduce and study nano Ⓢ-continuous functions and nano Ⓢs-continuous functions. Furthermore, we introduce the notions of nano topological spaces called nano Ⓢ-T 1/2 space and nano Ⓢ-Ts space.
Open AccessArticle

L-fuzzifying proximity, L-fuzzifying uniform space and L-fuzzifying strong

Annals of Communications in Mathematics 2022

, 5 (1)

, 63-73


AbstractIn this paper the concept of proximity in L-fuzzifying topology is established and some of its properties are discussed. Furthermore we introduce and study the concepts ofL-fuzzifying uniform space and L-fuzzifying strong uniform space.