An International Journal

ISSN: 2582-0818

Online Articles: 168

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Author Guidelines

Annals of Communications in Mathematics receive the papers through the electronic submission via http://acm.technoskypub/submission or via email directly to the editor-in-chief. This web site provides a step by step submission process. It will ask the author(s) to upload a PDF or PostScript file of the paper. The manuscript should be in English.

The LaTeX source-file(s) will be needed later when the submitted paper has been accepted for publication at the ACM. The TeX source-file should be prepared in a LaTeX format. We are only able to accept submissions that are sourced in LaTeX. A LaTeX template is available for this journal. Download ACM LaTeX Template to prepare your manuscript.

The manuscript should also contain two or more key words which describe the important concepts of your paper, as well as 2020 Mathematical Subject Classification numbers of your work. The ACM publishes papers not exceeding 20 pages. The maximum number of items in the list of references is 25. The authors should provide the existing DOI numbers of the cited items. References that are not cited in the text will be removed.

Graphics files can be included in either LaTeX character graphics format or in PostScript format. To include PostScript files in your document, we prefer the macro commands in the epsfig.sty. Figures should be uploaded in EPS format.

Authors should make sure that the manuscripts submitted are ready for refereeing. Authors submitting an article affirm that the same manuscript is not concurrently submitted to another publication. Submission of a manuscript to Annals of Communications in Mathematics implies that it has not been published, nor is being considered for publication elsewhere, and that permission for publication if needed, has already been obtained from appropriate sources.

The first page of the manuscript must include

  1. the title, that is concise but descriptive and informative
  2. the precise authorship (full names preferred), affiliation and/or the address of the authors as well as their e-mail addresses
  3. the abstract, not exceeding 300 words
  4. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification following the annual index of the Mathematical Reviews (add link:
  5. a list of key-words and/or phrases

The items in the reference section should be in alphabetical order according to the family names of the authors and numbered numerically such as [1], [2]… Figures or graphics, if included, should be (prepared) suitable for photographic reproduction. Graphics produced electronically and compiled in the EPS format are strongly encouraged.

We advise the author(s) to retain the LaTeX source-file and any other related files until the publication process is completed.

We will require the source-files as soon as the submitted paper is accepted for publication at the Ann. Commun. Math.


Authors will receive only one set of proofs for correction. Normally, no alterations or corrections beyond corrections of minor typographic errors will be accepted once the proofs are issued.


Electronic offprints will be available free of charge in the form of a printable and downloadable PDF from the webpage.

Publication Charge

There is no page charge for papers.

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