An International Journal

ISSN: 2582-0818

Home 9 Keyword: Γ−Semiring
Open AccessArticle

Fuzzy soft tri-ideals over Gamma-semirings

Annals of Communications in Mathematics 2023

, 6 (4)

, 225-237


AbstractIn this paper, we introduce the notion of a fuzzy soft tri-ideal over Γ−semiring. We characterize the regular Γ−semiring in terms of fuzzy soft tri-ideals, and study some of the properties. M is a regular Γ−semiring, E be a parameters set and A ⊆ E. If (µ, A) is a fuzzy soft left tri-ideal over M, then (µ, A) is a fuzzy soft right ideal over M.
Open AccessArticle

Anti fuzzy k-ideals of ordered semirings

Annals of Communications in Mathematics 2023

, 6 (4)

, 266-281


AbstractIn this paper we introduce the notion of anti fuzzy ideals, anti fuzzy k−ideals of ordered semirings and we study the properties of anti fuzzy ideals, anti fuzzy k−ideals, homomorphic and anti homomorphic image and pre-image of fuzzy ideals, anti fuzzy ideals and anti fuzzy k−ideals of an ordered semiring. We characterize the ideals of an ordered semiring in terms of anti fuzzy k−ideals.