An International Journal

ISSN: 2582-0818

Home 9 Author: Young Bae Jun
Young Bae Jun
Open AccessArticle

Prime and irreducible UP-filters of meet-commutative UP-algebras

Annals of Communications in Mathematics 2021

, 4 (2)

, 106-113


AbstractIn this article, we give a number of important properties of meet-commutative UP-algebras. In the class of these UP-algebras, we introduce and analyze the concepts of prime and irreducible UP-filters.
Open AccessArticle

New approach towards A-ideals in ternary semirings

Annals of Communications in Mathematics 2021

, 4 (2)

, 114-125


AbstractTo interact somebody with someone various almost ideals (shortly A -ideals), quasi A -ideals, bi quasi A -ideals, tri A -ideals and tri quasi A -ideals in ternary semiring and give some characterizations. We develop the implications ideal =⇒ quasi ideal =⇒ two sided bi quasi ideal =⇒ two sided tri quasi ideal =⇒ two sided tri quasi A -ideal =⇒ two sided bi quasi A -ideal =⇒ bi A -ideal =⇒ quasi A -ideal =⇒ A -ideal and reverse implications do not holds with examples. We show that the union of A -ideals (bi A -ideals, quasi A -ideals, bi quasi A -ideals) is a A -ideal (bi A -ideal, quasi A -ideal, bi quasi A -ideal) in ternary semiring.
Open AccessArticle

Generalizations of implication-based fuzzy subalgebras in BCK/BCI-algebras

Annals of Communications in Mathematics 2021

, 4 (2)

, 180-189


AbstractIn [2], Jun discussed implication-based subalgebras in BCK/BCI-algebras. In this article, more general forms than Jun’s results are discussed. We provide an example to show that a fuzzy subalgebra with thresholds 0 and 0.5 is not an implication-based subalgebra under the Łuckasiewicz implication operator, and then conditions for a fuzzy subalgebra with thresholds 0 and 0.5 to be an implication-based subalgebra under the Łuckasiewicz implication operator are provided.
Open AccessArticle

A generalization of (∈, ∈ ∨q)-fuzzy ideals in ternary semigroups

Annals of Communications in Mathematics 2019

, 2 (2)

, 73-83


AbstractThe notion of (α, e βe)-fuzzy left (right, lateral) ideal is introduced, and related properties are investigated. Also, characterizations of an (∈, ∈ ∨ q δ 0 )-fuzzy left (resp., right, lateral) ideal are provided. Moreover, relations between (∈, ∈ ∨ q δ 0 )-fuzzy left (resp., right, lateral) ideal and (q δ 0 , ∈ ∨q δ 0 )-fuzzy left (resp., right, lateral) ideal are established.
Open AccessArticle

Intuitionistic bipolar neutrosophic set and its application to intuitionistic bipolar neutrosophic graphs

Annals of Communications in Mathematics 2019

, 2 (2)

, 121-140


AbstractThis manuscript is devoted to study a new concept of intuitionistic bipolar neutrosophic set with the operations like union, intersection and complement. Also, an application to intuitionistic bipolar neutrosophic graph with examples are developed. Further, we presented the Cartesian product, cross product, lexicographic product and strong product with suitable examples
Open AccessArticle

Sup-hesitant fuzzy subalgebras and its translations and extensions

Annals of Communications in Mathematics 2019

, 2 (1)

, 48-56


AbstractIn BCK/BCI-algebras, the notion of Sup-hesitant fuzzy subalgebra is introduced, and related properties are investigated. Characterizations of a Sup-hesitant fuzzy subalgebra are discussed. Sup-hesitant fuzzy translation and Sup-hesitant fuzzy extension of Sup-hesitant fuzzy subalgebras are introduced, and their relations are investigated.
Open AccessArticle

Generalizations of Pseudo eBE-algebras

Annals of Communications in Mathematics 2024

, 7 (2)

, 160-175


AbstractAfter BE-algebra was introduced by Kim et al., its generalization was attempted by several scholars. As a follow-up, Borzooei et al., Rezaei et al. and Sayyad et al. introduced pseudo BE-algebra, eBE-algebra and pseudo eBE-algebra, respectively. The aim of this article is to consider more extended version of pseudo eBE-algebra. The concepts of generalized pseudo eBE-algebra, (generalized) pseudo sub-eBE-algebra, eBEsubalgebra, eBE-filter, right (left) f-section and eBE-upper set are introduced and related properties, interrelationships and characterizations are studied.
Open AccessArticle

Ordered Nearness Semigroups

Annals of Communications in Mathematics 2024

, 7 (2)

, 176-185


AbstractA semigroup is an algebraic structure that consists of a set and a binary operation that is associative, meaning that the order in which the operations are performed does not affect the outcome. For example, addition and multiplication are associative operations. The term “semigroup” was first used in its modern sense by Harold Hilton in his book on finite groups in 1908 [6]. Semigroups have since then been studied extensively in mathematics, and they have numerous applications in different fields, such as computer science, physics, and economics. Nearenness semigroup is a generalization of semigroups. Near set theory, which is a generalization of rough set theory, is based on the determination of universal sets according to the available information about the objects. Nearenness semigroups extend the concept of nearness from set theory to semigroups. ˙Inan and Öztürk applied the notion of near sets defined by J. F. Peters to the semigroups [10]. Our objective in this paper is to establish the definition of ordered semigroups on weak near approximation spaces. In addition, we investigated certain characteristics of these ordered nearness semigroups.