An International Journal

ISSN: 2582-0818

Home 9 Keyword: system of difference equations
system of difference equations
Open AccessArticle

Neutrosophic micro topological spaces

Annals of Communications in Mathematics 2022

, 5 (3)

, 153-160


AbstractIn this article, we introduce the concept of neutrosophic micro topological spaces. Some interesting properties like neutrosophic micro interior, neutrosophic micro closure and neutrosophic micro continuous are studied. In this connection, interrelations are discussed. Example are provided wherever necessary.
Open AccessArticle

The form of the solutions of fourth order rational systems of difference equations

Annals of Communications in Mathematics 2022

, 5 (3)

, 161-180


AbstractIn this paper, we get the form of the solutions of the following difference equation systems of order four where the initial conditions z−3, z−2, z−1, z0, w−3, w−2, w−1, w0 are arbitrary nonzero real numbers.