
On Pythagorean normal subbisemiring of bisemiring
Annals of Communications in Mathematics 2021
, 4 (1)
, 63-72
AbstractWe discuss the notion of Pythagorean subbisemiring, level sets of Pythagorean subbisemirings and Pythagorean normal subbisemiring of a bisemiring. Also, we investigate some of the properties related to subbisemirings. The fuzzy subset L = (πPL , ωPL ) is a Pythagorean subbisemiring if and only if all non-empty level set L(t,s) (t, s ∈ (0, 1]) is a subbisemiring. The cartesian product of two Pythagorean subbisemiring is also Pythagorean subbisemiring. The homomorphic image and preimage of Pythagorean subbisemiring is also Pythagorean subbisemiring. To illustrate our results and examples are given.