Singular integral operators
Open AccessArticle
New definition of a singular integral operator
Annals of Communications in Mathematics 2023
, 6 (4)
, 220-224
AbstractLet D be a connected bounded domain in R^2, S be its boundary which is closed, connected, and smooth, or S=(-∞,∞). Let Φ(z) be the function defined as Φ(z)=1/(2πi) ∫S(f(s)ds)/(s-z), where f∈L^1(S) and z=x+iy. The singular integral operator Af is defined as Af: =1/(iπ) ∫S(f(s)ds)/(s-t), where t∈S. This new definition simplifies the proof of the existence of Φ(t). Necessary and sufficient conditions are given for f∈L^1(S) to be the boundary value of an analytic function in D. The Sokhotsky-Plemelj formulas are derived for f∈L^1(S). Our new definition allows one to treat singular boundary values of analytic functions.