Iterated approximation

q-Deformed and L-parametrized hyperbolic tangent function relied complex valued multivariate trigonometric and hyperbolic neural network approximations
Annals of Communications in Mathematics 2023
, 6 (3)
, 141-164
AbstractHere we study the multivariate quantitative approximation of complex valued continuous functions on a box of RN , N ∈ N, by the multivariate normalized type neural network operators. We investigate also the case of approximation by iterated multilayer neural network operators. These approximations are achieved by establishing multidimen-sional Jackson type inequalities involving the multivariate moduli of continuity of the en- gaged function and its partial derivatives. Our multivariate operators are defined by using a multidimensional density function induced by a q-deformed and λ-parametrized hyper-bolic tangent function, which is a sigmoid function. The approximations are pointwise and uniform. The related feed-forward neural network are with one or multi hidden layers. The basis of our theory are the introduced multivariate Taylor formulae of trigonometric and hyperbolic type.

Multivariate Approximation by Parametrized Logistic Activated Multidimensional Convolution Type Operators
Annals of Communications in Mathematics 2024
, 7 (2)
, 128-159
AbstractIn this work we introduce for the first time the multivariate parametrized logistic activated convolution type operators in three kinds. We present their approximation properties, that is the quantitative convergence to the unit operator via the multivariate modulus of continuity. We continue with the multivariate global smoothness preservation of these operators. We present extensively the related multivariate iterated approximation, as well as, the multivariate simultaneous approximation and their combinations. Using differentiability into our research, we are producing higher speeds of approximation, multivariate simultaneous global smoothness preservation is also studied.