DF S-ideals

A new view on (2,2)-regular AG groupoid via DFS sets with applications
Annals of Communications in Mathematics 2022
, 5 (2)
, 97-120
DOI: https://doi.org/10.62072/acm.2022.050204
AbstractIn this paper, we study DFS left (right, two-sided) ideals, DFS (generalized) bi-ideals, DFS interior ideals and DFS (1, 2)-ideals of (2,2)-regular AG–Groupoid over an initial universe set U. We have shown that these DFS ideals are coincides in a (2,2)-regular unitary AG–Groupoid. Further we investigate some useful conditions for an AG–Groupoid to become a (2,2)-regular AG–Groupoid and characterize a (2,2)-regular AG–Groupoid in terms of DFS ideals. Finally we apply DFS expert sets to develop a decision making scheme for everyday problems.