R. Asokan

Functions and its implications on ζ -nano topological space
Annals of Communications in Mathematics 2022
, 5 (3)
, 145-152
DOI: https://doi.org/10.62072/acm.2022.050302
AbstractIn this paper, we are studying about a function’s between domain ζ-nano topological spaces and codomain nano topological spaces which means every nano topology has its inverse image in ζ-nano topology(i.e., ζ-continuous). We establish the ζcluster point in ζ-continuous. We search image from a ζ-open sets (ζ-closed set) to a nano open sets(nano closed sets) is called a ζ-open map(ζ-closed map). Finally, some of the results are portrayed with these ζ-continuity with N -continuity and we extended to ζ-homeomorphism.

Properties of strongly pre-open sets in ideal nano topological spaces
Annals of Communications in Mathematics 2022
, 5 (2)
, 74-79
DOI: https://doi.org/10.62072/acm.2022.050201
AbstractAim of this article, Rajasekaran [11] introduced strongly pre-I-open sets and in nano topological spaces. The relationships of strongly pre-nI-open sets with various other nano RI -set and nano I-locally closed sets are investigated.

Some perfect sets in ideal nano topological spaces
Annals of Communications in Mathematics 2022
, 5 (2)
, 74-79
DOI: https://doi.org/10.62072/acm.2022.050202
AbstractWe introduce the notions of nano L*-perfect, nano R*-perfect, and nano C*-perfect sets in ideal nano spaces and study their properties. We obtained a characterization for compatible ideals via nano R*-perfect sets and and investigate further their important properties