by admin | Dec 30, 2023
Abstract In this paper, we introduce the notion of a fuzzy soft tri-ideal over Γ−semiring. We characterize the regular Γ−semiring in terms of fuzzy soft tri-ideals, and study some of the properties. M is a regular Γ−semiring, E be a parameters set and A ⊆ E. If (µ, A)...
by admin | Dec 30, 2023
Abstract Let D be a connected bounded domain in R^2, S be its boundary which is closed, connected, and smooth, or S=(-∞,∞). Let Φ(z) be the function defined as Φ(z)=1/(2πi) ∫S(f(s)ds)/(s-z), where f∈L^1(S) and z=x+iy. The singular integral operator Af is defined as...
by admin | Dec 30, 2023
Abstract In this article we continue the study of smooth Picard singular integral operators that started in [3], see there chapters 10-14. This time the foundation of our research is a trigonometric Taylor’s formula. We establish the Lp convergence of our operators to...
by admin | Dec 15, 2023
Abstract The concept of quasi-ordered residuated systems was introduced in 2018 by Bonzio and Chajda as a generalization both of commutative residuated lattices and hoopalgebras. Then this author investigated the substructures of ideals and filters in these algebraic...
by admin | Dec 11, 2023
Abstract Here we study the multivariate quantitative approximation of complex valued continuous functions on a box of RN , N ∈ N, by the multivariate normalized type neural network operators. We investigate also the case of approximation by iterated multilayer neural...