Fuzzy soft tri-ideals over Gamma-semirings

Abstract In this paper, we introduce the notion of a fuzzy soft tri-ideal over Γ−semiring. We characterize the regular Γ−semiring in terms of fuzzy soft tri-ideals, and study some of the properties. M is a regular Γ−semiring, E be a parameters set and A ⊆ E. If (µ, A)...

New definition of a singular integral operator

Abstract Let D be a connected bounded domain in R^2, S be its boundary which is closed, connected, and smooth, or S=(-∞,∞). Let Φ(z) be the function defined as Φ(z)=1/(2πi) ∫S(f(s)ds)/(s-z), where f∈L^1(S) and z=x+iy. The singular integral operator Af is defined as...

Trigonometric generated Lp degree of approximation

Abstract In this article we continue the study of smooth Picard singular integral operators that started in [3], see there chapters 10-14. This time the foundation of our research is a trigonometric Taylor’s formula. We establish the Lp convergence of our operators to...